Big Boost to Black Hawk & Chinook Programs as FARA Heads to the Chopping Block

Both the Black Hawk utility helicopter and Chinook heavy lift helicopter program have received a new lease of life, which has come as a big boost for Lockheed/Sikorsky and Boeing respectively, as the FARA leg of the U.S. Army's Future Vertical Lift program heads for the chopping block. The U.S. Army has decided to not renew the manned armed scout capability and rather fully shift to the unmanned capability with the development of new, scratch-up UAS platforms. The Army says that the switch to unmanned capability is based on lessons learnt from the Russia-Ukraine war, wherein, this capability has become standard and has achieved remarkable success with reference to effectiveness as well as procurement & operating economics. The latest decision also is likely to pave the way for the procurement of new Black Hawks and Block II Chinooks under new multi-year procurement deals to be initiated by the Army over near term. The Army's decision, however, denies the Sikorsky's X2 platform, which had been Sikorsky's contender for the FARA program, another shot and crack at the FVL program after the loss of Sikorskky's SB>1 Defiant to Bell's V-280 Valor earlier in the FLRAA phase of the FVL program. Textron Systems and Aerovironment also take a hit as procurement of Shadow & Raven UAS programs are also set to be wound up by the Army.


Rajat Narang - The Radioactive Warzone

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