A Potential Thermonuclear War between the U.S. & Soviet Union in the late 1960s would have Obliterated 1 Billion People from Earth

By the late 1960s, both the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. had deployed over 1,500+ ICBMs & SLBMs armed to the teeth with megaton-class thermonuclear warheads against each other. The Soviets, incredibly, had deployed around 1,000 heavy ICBMs (SS-9) hosting a massive & insane 6,000+ megatons worth of thermonuclear warheads, collectively posing a grave danger to the U.S. homeland as well as NATO allies while the U.S. had a clear overmatch in Heavy Bombers and SLBMs over the Soviets. Thus, the outbreak of a potential thermonuclear war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union at the onset of 1970s decade would have led to a loss of at least 100 million lives across each side, which was almost half of the entire population of each nation, back then. Further, a potential nuclear war between the two sides would have wiped out almost 1 billion people from the face of Earth collectively, which was almost a third of the world's entire population back in the late 1960s, as per revelations in the latest book series, "The Fire of the Gods: Oppenheimer's Legacy - The Evolutionary History of Nuclear Age - Part 1-3", citing declassified reports released by the CIA and the U.S. State Department. The 3-part book series is available at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CLGFNF19


Rajat Narang - The Radioactive Warzone

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